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出处:妈妈育儿网日期:2022-04-03 15:21:20编辑:森林
There has always been no order in the fish Kingdom, and the fish have long been dissatisfied with it. They don't make way for others. They swim left and right. They can do whatever they want. They either rush among the fish gathered together, or block others' way at will. The big ones always beat the weak fish with their tails, drive them away, or eat them without saying anything. They said, "if only there were a king among us who could enforce the law and administer justice!" So we discussed who could swim fastest in the wave and help the weak, so we chose it as the king.
They lined up at the seaside. The pike uses its tail to send a signal, so everyone rushes forward together. The pike shot forward like an arrow, followed by herring, poplar, bass, carp and all the other fish.
Even flounder joined them and wanted to win. Then suddenly there was a cry, "herring first! Herring first!" "Who was the first?" The suspicious plaice, far behind, cried angrily, "who was the first?" "Herring! Herring!" Answered the fish. The guy was even more jealous and shouted, "that naked herring? That naked herring?" From then on, the flounder was punished with a long crooked mouth.



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