
Once upon a time, a devout farmer who lived in poverty died and came to the door of heaven. At the same time, there was a rich man who wanted to go to heaven.
St. Peter came with the key. He opened the door and let the rich man in. He didn't seem to see the farmer, so he closed the door. At this time, the farmer outside heard how the rich man received all kinds of courtesy and reception. There were both music and singing. Finally, everything was calm again.
St. Peter came again, opened the door and let the farmer in. The farmer thought he would play music and sing when he went in, but it was quiet inside. However, he was warmly received. The angels came to welcome him, but no one came to sing. So the farmer asked St. Peter why the rich man came to sing to him, but he came differently. It was like heaven and earth, there was also bias.
St. Peter replied, "that's not the case at all. You are as lovely to us as anyone else, and you will enjoy every pleasure in heaven as the rich man. But a poor man like you comes to heaven every day, and only one rich man like you goes to heaven in a hundred years!"